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The Third is a manifestation of a higher dream. The people working at or together with The Third are different but share the dream of building solid connections. You will often work with Laura as the leading trainer/coach of the program, but the team is made up of many more changemakers. They are the backbone, the inspirers, the driving force that challenge and hold the space at the same time.

What is your paradox?

I thrive in change and love traditions. I work with groups but I am not a group person.


Greatest fear?

To be abandoned by loved ones.


Unique feature?

I am a dancing gangster rap loving empath with an open heart.​


Why are you founder

of the third?

We are all one. If you hurt your brother, you hurt yourself. That is why I don’t work for the CEO, the powerhouse, the nice person, the girl I have so much in common with. I work for the connection. The way we relate to each other. The Third entity. If we make that one entity healthy we will all thrive. 

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te Hennepe

the Third
de Leeuw

my paradox?

I am a control freak with an impulsive streak. I love being by myself but also feel a deep need for real connections.


Greatest fear?

To spend the rest of my life without love or to get dropped in the middle of the ocean


Unique feature?

I am a curious idealist with an open mind. And the biggest Friends fan that knows every episode by heart.


Why are you part

of the third?

To be part of the Third feels like being a part of something bigger! And a huge bonus is working with Laura! Her passion is inspiring and her enthusiasm contagious.

Personal Assistant
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Dymphie Braun

my paradox?

I’m outgoing, but love to stay at home. I’m chronically disorganised, yet structured and coordinated.


Greatest fear?

To be arrested and charged for something while being innocent. And 2.5 °C temperature rise.


Unique feature?

Reading the room and making you laugh.


Why are you part

of the third?

To be able to contribute on fostering communities and help drive cultural and systemic change. To do so with people who also trigger the growth of my own knowledge and mindset is golden.

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my paradox?

I can be the sweetest and the feistiest. 
I am shy and outgoing. 


Greatest fear?

Rejection in the broadest sense.


Unique feature?

I give great massages too.


Why are you part

of the third?

Because Laura’s approach is the only approach to create environments where everyone can flourish. And she has great knowledge and experience - which is unique I think.

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my paradox?

I love to be in control but also want to let go and be surprised from time to time.


Greatest fear?

Too loose myself in work since that happens when I have a lot on my mind.


Unique feature?

I have a sweet spot for karaoke. And especially Whitney Houston songs! 


Why are you part

of the third?

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion work can be applied in many different ways but Laura's passion is so contagious that I couldn't wait to become part of the team.

Marilyn Donkor
Project manager
Mireille Ollivieira

my paradox?

I thrive in chaos! And I really need structure to be able to thrive in chaos.


Greatest fear?

That people do not think for themselves.


Unique feature?

My incredible smile.


Why are you part

of the third?

There is so much more that meets the purpose is to stretch (my own) minds, consciousness and actions, add words to hidden feelings and help to unleash the beauty and strength lying within.

consultant Diversity
and Inclusion 
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